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99% of people on the autism spectrum face problems of inclusion in the workplace, whether through a lack of accessibility to certain jobs, or a lack of adaptation of working environments.

Through participative expertise, intelligent match making and long-term support, Atipikey helps people on the autism spectrum in their working lives. It also trains companies to make the most of atypical talent by creating personalised training on and through inclusion.

🗞️ ATIPIKEY won a CHF 10'000 grant from FIT Impact, in October 2023. More info here.

🗞️ ATIPIKEY won the Prix Coup de Coeur of CHF 10,000 at the Prix PERL in May 2024. More info here

Discover their website here :                                                                                                                                                                                                  Discover their video presentation here :

📆 Spring 2023 cohort