Welcome Back to the Super(in)nova Cohort

Welcome Back to the Super(in)nova Cohort


The 10 projects of the Super(in)nova cohort have embarked on phase 2 of UCreate!

The 27 participants gathered at the Villanova for the 1st module of phase 2.

On the program: pitches for their projects, presentation of the program and meetings with their coaches before embarking on the first workshops: team dynamics with Jean De Wolff and prototyping with Marius Conti-Aeberli.

✨ A wonderful entrepreneurial energy emerged from this evening, with great commitment from the project leaders and coaches, as well as the establishment of great collaborations.

Thanks to our sponsor, BCV, which is supporting one of the 10 projects: Tralala Shop.

Thank you to our 10 coaches who will accompany the teams throughout phase 2 :

  • Caroline Coquerel Kokocinski, Start-up coach, ideix
  • Cédric Rimella, Co-founder, I.D Swiss Botanicals
  • Christophe Fischer, Accompagnant PME Durable
  • Corinne Lebourgeois, Business coach
  • Edouard Lambelet, President of Finity AI
  • Emilie Romon Carnegie, Social Innovation Manager at the HUB
  • Nasri Nahas, CEO of Biopole
  • Semira Gonseth Nusslé, Co-founder of GenKnowMe
  • Wilma Lukas, Founder of W Life Sciences
  • Cyril Déléaval, Coach GENILEM

Next big step, June 4th 2024 for the final pitches of phase 2 !