Frédéric Rossi
Company Archeodunum
Domaine Art, histoire, culture
Faculté Faculté des lettres

Frédéric Rossi


"To live one’s passion without being too embarrassed by those who will not fail to tell you how to do it, is to live happily."

A graduate of the University of Lausanne in ancient history and archeology (Letters 1088), Frederic co-founded during his studies the archaeological investigation company Archeodunum SA, which he has been taking over, alone, since 1998.

From 2006, the company developed its activity in France where it opened four agencies, in Lyon, Toulouse, Nantes and Mont-Beuvray. Since 2009, it has been approved by the Ministry of Culture and Communication.

Fascinated by the world of books, he created in 1999 the Infolio SA house which in 20 years has published nearly 1000 titles in fields as varied as architecture, literature, history and archaeology. In 2010, he is the initiator, in Morges, of the event Le Livre sur les Quais (The Book on the Quays), which over the years has established itself as one of the main events of the literary season.

Discover Archeodunum here.