Discover the 10 projects selected for phase 2 of our UCreate programme

Discover the 10 projects selected for phase 2 of our UCreate programme


This fine cohort includes students, researchers, professors, alumni and UNIL staff from 4 faculties and management departments.

Discover the 10 projects selected for phase 2 of our UCreate programme. Congratulations to the 26 participants. This fine cohort includes students, a large number of researchers, professors, alumni and UNIL staff from 4 faculties and management departments.

  • BioHeatShield - Faculty of Biology and Medicine
  • Diabetes, Même pas peur ! - Faculty of HEC
  • Mycélium Léman Vivant - Faculty of Geosciences and Environment
  • Retr'aide - Faculty of Business Administration
  • Roomieswap - Faculty of Social and Political Sciences
  • Safe2Eat - Faculty of Biology and Medicine
  • ScanPill - Faculty of Biology and Medicine
  • SustainableScience - Faculty of Biology and Medicine
  • Tralala Shop - UNIL services
  • TOCx - Faculty of HEC

To find out more about the projects, click here:

Next step: the start of phase 2 on 27 February 2024!