Claude-Alain Roten
"With the skills aquired, design within the present limitations, solutions for a sustainable future."
Claude-Alain graduated from the University of Lausanne (Bachelor in biology in 1985, and PhD in microbiology in 1992), He then undertook a post-doctoral training at Harvard and last but not leat at the Faculty of Biology and Medecin of UNIL, where he focused on comparative analysis of bacterial genomic sequences.
In 2014 he founded is company OrphAnalytics. Reknown in cybersecurity, OrphAnalytics uses artificial intelligence to detect various frauds and criminal activities : academic, literary or professional plagiarism or ghostwriting, authors of anonymous messages, manipulation of accounting or technical entries.
Through his participation in the 100 entrepreneurs initiative, Claude-Alain is open to a collaboration between OrphAnalytics and the University of Lausanne, in order to confirm the excellence of the institution, by validating the good communication practices respected by the vast majority of its members.