ATIPIKEY wins CHF 10,000 from FIT Impact

ATIPIKEY wins CHF 10,000 from FIT Impact


FIT Impact supports 6 projects with a social and environmental impact. Congratulations to Zoé Prisse and Valentine Perrelet, alumni of our UCreate programme (spring 2023).

The first cohort to benefit from FIT Impact is now known. This programme of the Foundation for Technological Innovation (FIT), which supports low-tech projects with a strong social and environmental impact, has awarded grants of 10,000 Swiss francs to ATIPIKEY, Impact Arti, NaviSanté, Poroos, R2Home and The six projects come from UNIL, HEIG-VD, H4 and EPFL.

Congratulations to Zoé Prisse and Valentine Perrelet, alumni of our UCreate programme (spring 2023), who have won the CHF 10,000 FIT Impact grant for their ATIPIKEY project.

ATIPIKEY: facilitating the inclusion of neuro-atypical people
Companies wishing to develop a diversity and inclusion policy sometimes lack the resources to adapt their services and environment to the specific needs of atypical people. However, atypical talents can add a great deal of value when the environment allows their potential to be developed and sustained. Improving accessibility helps to reduce company costs, improve efficiency and comfort for all employees and increase customer satisfaction.

A product of the UCreate programme at UNIL's Entrepreneurship and Innovation HUB, ATIPIKEY offers inclusion services by and for atypical people (in particular autistic people) in the public and private workplace, in the form of a participatory process bringing together atypical talents and companies.

The two co-founders, Valentine Perrelet and Zoé Prisse, support companies that want to employ atypical profiles or make their products and services accessible by helping them to put in place conditions conducive to their inclusion. At the same time, ATIPIKEY is developing processes to help neuro-atypical people find jobs that match their skills.

Click here for the press release.