Inès Burrus

Inès Burrus

Social entrepreneur

Manager of HEC RCGC

Inès holds a Bachelor’s degree in Biology and two Master’s degrees, in Sustainable Resource Management and Real Estate and International Asset Engineering.

She started her career in the Sustainable Agriculture department of Nestlé. She rolled out rural development projects in coffee and cocoa origins. This was followed by an experience in Public Affairs managing global partnerships at the corporate level. Sponsored by Nestlé, Nespresso and ECOM Agroindustrial, she then pursued a PhD programme in Economics with a specialization in Management at HEC Lausanne, Switzerland. Her research focused on how to make farming an attractive occupation for rural youth.

Inès is the founder and managing director of three social enterprises: Equal Profit, a certification model ensuring transparent and equitable profit distribution among supply chain actors, Fynka, a mobile application to ensure that smallholder farmers earn a prospering income and Terrakodo, an IT company for social impact.