Didier Schwarz
Company 1m83
Domaine Art, histoire, culture
Faculté Faculté des hautes études commerciales

Didier Schwarz


"There was a piece of advice from Shimon Peres that I had read in the book Start-up Nation and that had marked me enormously: “The most prudent thing is to dare”. And I think that’s what we need most as entrepreneurs, perhaps in Switzerland in particular."

A graduate of the University of Lausanne (HEC 2015), Didier holds a Master’s degree (MSc) in Information Systems and a Bachelor’s degree (BSc) in Management from HEC Lausanne and the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Didier is the founder of the Collectif 1m83 Art and also contributes to the support of Vaud entrepreneurs. In particular, he set up FIT Digital and has advised more than 300 startups within Innovaud. In 2015, he was selected as one of the 100 young personalities shaping French-speaking Switzerland.

With 10 years of experience in entrepreneurship, Didier now combines his two passions: technology and art. He believes in mixing knowledge, skills and teams to have a lasting and positive impact on the world around him.

Discover 1m83 here.