Opening event of the GEW UNIL &

5 years anniversary of the HUB 

Opening of the GEW UNIL &
5 years anniversary
of the HUB 

The HUB Entrepreneurship and Innovation was launched 5 years ago !  “The only way to have a sustainable future is to create it is what has driven our vision and our programs. The HUB has for sure stimulated the entrepreneurial spirit of our UNIL community and helped more than 100 impact driven projects. It is time to celebrate what has been accomplished 🎉

It is also the time to ask ourselves some challenging questions about the swiss entrepreneurial ecosystem in which we operate.

On the positive side, we have seen the emergence of more programs, activities and grants to support impact entrepreneurship and social ventures. But the number tell a less positive picture, with most of the money still invested in non-impact driven projects.

To make the difference between wishful thinking and real actions, we have invited a panel composed of seasoned entrepreneurs, investor and Innosuisse key member. They will share their insights about what they see in their field and help us answer the following questions :

▫️To what extent do we see a new generation of impact entrepreneurs emerging ?

▫️How can entrepreneurs and investors reconcile human, social, environmental and

financial capital ?

▫️For the future, how can we accelerate the transition via entrepreneurship ?

To give some context and open the discussion, we also have the pleasure to welcome our keynote speaker : André Hoffmann, Vice-Chairman of Roche, who will speak about his new book « The new nature of business » and share his insights about ways to reconcile sustainability and prosperity.

MEET the speakers


Monday 18th november at 18:00 | Vortex

18h00 - Opening of the evening

Erica Mazerolle, Moderator of the event and Programme Manager of the HUB Entrepreneurship & Innovation

Frédéric Herman, Rector of the University of Lausanne

Anne Headon, Director of the HUB Entrepreneurship & Innovation

18h10 - Introduction words - The New Nature of Business

André Hoffmann, Vice-Chairman of Roche Holding Ltd

18h25 - Round table - The New Nature of Entrepreneurship : wishful thinking or real actions ?

Aurelien Demaurex, Co-founder of Ecorobotix & Board Member of Innovaud

Adam Said, Board Chair of ACE & Company

Eva Lüthi, Head of Entrepreneurship at Innosuisse

André Hoffmann, Vice-Chairman of Roche Holding Ltd

Anne Headon, Moderator and Director of the HUB Entrepreneurship & Innovation UNIL

19h15 - Q&A Session
19h25 - Closing words

Erica Mazerolle, Moderator of the event and Programme Manager of the HUB Entrepreneurship & Innovation

Gauthier Hotz, Head of Entrepreneurship at HEC Espace Entreprise

19h30 - Aperitif & Celebration