Coach UCreate3 - Caroline Coquerel

Caroline Coquerel Kokocinski

Startup coach

As an entrepreneur coach, Caroline is accredited by 7 organisations, including the HUB, to bring the most value to entrepreneurs and their projects.

Caroline has coached and developed beautiful collaborations from 6+ months to 6+ years with 100+ entrepreneurs, and a few hours to a few months with 550+ entrepreneurs.

With a scientific and business background, combining agronomy & food / data & spatial information / sustainable development, she has realized exciting and inspiring projects and developed business in many sectors, internationally in 10+ countries.

Known for being highly committed to helping you achieve and exceed your goals, she develops and reveals your skills, brings tools and network, as well as practical experience.

Her value is around: balancing & developing your project, business development, marketing & communication, liquidity, developing your network, and guiding you through the entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Entrepreneurs appreciate his involvement as a sparring partner, his pragmatic and hands-on approach, his specific tools, his ability to inspire and develop projects & skills.