Interdisciplinary courses
in social innovation

In partnership with UNIL’s seven faculties, the HUB for Entrepreneurship and Innovation offers interdisciplinary courses in social innovation.
The aim of these interdisciplinary courses is to familiarize the students of the University of Lausanne with social innovation by working on concrete projects.
Issues addressed by the students
Students come from several faculties, including the Faculty of Business Studies, the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, the Faculty of Geosciences and the Environment, the Faculty of Biology and Medicine, and the Faculty of Humanities.
Students address the following questions by working in groups on actual social innovation projects :
🔹 What is social innovation and how can it address today’s challenges ?
🔹 How can social and environmental problems be tackled with an entrepreneurial approach ?
🔹 How can systems thinking be applied in studying complex issues and understanding profound social changes ?
Interdisciplinary social innovation courses open to students from all UNIL faculties
Bachelor course (2nd and 3rd year – 3 ECTS) by Anne Headon : “Social Innovation: creating change for a sustainable future” (in French)
Master course : (1st and 2nd year – 3 ECTS) by Emilie Romon Carnegie, Jeffrey Petty and Anne Headon : “Social Innovation Lab” (under development)