3rd edition

“imagine the sustainable university of tomorrow”

The 3rd edition of our Innovation Challenge took place from March 7 to 11, 2022 during the Sustainability Week at UNIL. The mission of this week was to generate ideas so that students become aware of the problems related to the ecological and social transition and to explore and even project themselves as entrepreneurs.

Here are examples of themes on which participants could propose ideas to respond to the challenges of our days :

  • food,
  • infrastructures,
  • mobility,
  • and social life.

Registered for the Innovation Challenge

Coached projecsts

Winning team : Light - Litterature - Law

Our partners


Winning team

Lights – Literature – Law is a project that brings together three generations from within and outside the UNIL community in a legal theater project on global issues (e.g. environmental, human rights) with literary characters.The goal of the project is to use a theatrical performance of a court case with no actual legal standing to promote sensitivity to global issues and communal healing, particularly where law has its limits.

Sara Sherani (student at UNIL, Faculty of Law, Criminal Sciences and Public Administration), Lena de Sepibus (student at EPFL), Kevin Curran (professor at UNIL, Faculty of Arts) and Shaheeza Lalani (alumni of UNIL, Faculty of Law, Criminal Sciences and Public Administration) are the winners of this 3rd edition. They receive a prize of CHF 5’000 offered by Romande Energie.